
Huawei High Speed Transceiver, CFP2, 1310nm, 103.125Gb/s, 3dBm, 6.5dBm, -30dBm, LC, SMF, 80km Part Number: 02312AXE

The "Huawei High Speed Transceiver, CFP2, 1310nm, 103.125Gb/s, 3dBm, 6.5dBm,  30dBm, LC, SMF, 80km Part Number: 02312AXE" is a high performance optical transceiver designed for high speed data transmission in telecommunications networks. Here's a breakdown of its key specifications and characteristics:

Basic Information:

1. Part Number: 02312AXE

2. Type: CFP2 (C Form factor Pluggable 2)

3. Wavelength: 1310nm

4. Data Rate: 103.125Gb/s

5. Application: Suitable for long haul and high capacity optical networks.

Transmitter Receiver Characteristics:

1. Optical Output Power: 3dBm

  This indicates the power level at which the transmitter operates, ensuring efficient signal transmission.

2. Optical Input Power: 6.5dBm

  This is the power level at which the receiver can operate effectively, ensuring reliable data reception.

3. Optical Return Loss:  30dBm

  This measures the amount of light that is reflected back into the transmitter, with a lower value indicating less reflection and better signal integrity.

4. Connector Type: LC (Lucent Connector)

  A small form factor pluggable connector that is commonly used for high speed data transmission.

5. Fiber Type: SMF (Single Mode Fiber)

  This type of fiber is used for long distance, high speed data transmission due to its ability to maintain signal quality over long distances.

6. Transmission Distance: 80km

  The transceiver is capable of maintaining high data rates over a distance of 80 kilometers, making it ideal for long haul communications.

7. Form Factor: CFP2

  The CFP2 form factor is a compact, high density plug in module that supports multiple high speed interfaces, allowing for scalable and flexible network configurations.

Operational Considerations:

  The transceiver is designed to work within a specific temperature range to ensure optimal performance.

  It may require a specific voltage and current for operation, which should be provided by the host equipment.

  The transceiver should be installed in a clean, dust free environment to prevent damage to the optical components.


  Ensure that the transceiver is compatible with the network equipment it will be used with, as different manufacturers may have different specifications and requirements.


  Regular cleaning and inspection of the transceiver's optical interfaces are recommended to maintain optimal performance.

  It's important to handle the transceiver with care to avoid damage to the delicate optical components.

In summary, the Huawei High Speed Transceiver 02312AXE is a high capacity, long distance optical transceiver that offers robust performance for modern telecommunications networks. Its specifications cater to the needs of high speed data transmission, making it a valuable component in the infrastructure of data centers and telecommunications providers.

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