
Mellanox Nvidia MCX623102AC-GDAT ConnectX-6 Dx EN Adapter Card 50GbE Crypto Enabled dual port Ethernet network cardAdapter card

Mellanox Nvidia MCX623102AC GDAT ConnectX 6 Dx EN Adapter Card Specifications

Basic Information:

  Model: MCX623102AC GDAT

  Brand: Mellanox Technologies, Ltd.

  Product Name: ConnectX 6 Dx EN Adapter Card

  Interface: 50GbE (50 Gigabit Ethernet)

  Ports: Dual Port

  Encryption: Crypto Enabled

  Form Factor: PCIe (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express)


The ConnectX 6 Dx EN Adapter Card is designed for high performance computing (HPC), data centers, and enterprise environments where high throughput and low latency network connectivity are critical. It is particularly suited for applications that require secure data transmission, such as:

  Cloud Computing: For virtualized environments where multiple virtual machines need to communicate securely over the network.

  Big Data Analytics: To handle large volumes of data efficiently and securely.

  Scientific Research: For computational simulations and data intensive tasks that require fast and reliable network communication.

  Financial Services: For secure trading platforms and high frequency trading applications.

  AI and Machine Learning: For training models and processing large datasets with minimal latency.


1. High Speed Connectivity: With 50GbE, the card offers a significant increase in network speed compared to traditional 10GbE or 40GbE solutions, enabling faster data transfer rates.

2. Dual Ports: The dual port configuration allows for increased bandwidth and redundancy, ensuring high availability and fault tolerance.

3. Crypto Enabled: The card supports hardware based encryption and decryption, which can offload these tasks from the CPU, improving overall system performance and security.

4. PCIe Interface: The PCIe interface ensures compatibility with a wide range of modern servers and workstations, providing a straightforward upgrade path for existing infrastructure.

5. Energy Efficiency: The ConnectX 6 Dx EN is designed with energy efficiency in mind, reducing power consumption while maintaining high performance.

6. Reliability: Mellanox is known for its reliable and robust network cards, which are built to withstand the demands of 24/7 operation in data centers.

7. Advanced Features: The card supports advanced networking features such as RDMA (Remote Direct Memory Access) over Converged Ethernet (RoCE), which can further reduce latency and improve performance in certain applications.

8. Scalability: It is designed to work well in both small scale deployments and large scale data center environments, making it a versatile choice for various network configurations.

9. Support and Compatibility: Mellanox provides extensive support and compatibility with a wide range of operating systems and applications, ensuring a smooth integration into existing IT infrastructure.

In summary, the Mellanox Nvidia MCX623102AC GDAT ConnectX 6 Dx EN Adapter Card is a high performance, dual port Ethernet network card that offers 50GbE connectivity with encryption capabilities, making it an excellent choice for demanding data transfer and secure communication needs in various industries.

Mellanox Nvidia  MCX623102AC-GDAT  ConnectX-6 Dx EN  Adapter Card 50GbE Crypto Enabled  dual port Ethernet network cardAdapter card

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