
Huawei BiDi Transceiver, SFP28, 1330nm Tx, 1270nm Rx, 25Gb/s, -4dBm, 2dBm, -10.3dBm, LC, 20km Part Number: 34062061

The Huawei BiDi Transceiver, SFP28, is a high performance optical transceiver designed for use in data communication networks. It operates at a data rate of 25Gb/s, which is suitable for high speed data transmission applications. The transceiver is designed to work with a wavelength of 1330nm for transmission and 1270nm for reception, allowing for efficient bi directional communication over a single fiber strand.

Basic Information:

  Part Number: 34062061

  Type: SFP28 BiDi Transceiver

  Data Rate: 25Gb/s

  Wavelength: 1330nm (Tx), 1270nm (Rx)

  Optical Interface: LC (Lucent Connector)

Transmitter Receiver Characteristics:

1. Optical Output Power: The transmitter section of the transceiver can output a power of  4dBm, which is a standard level for optical transceivers to ensure reliable signal transmission over long distances.

2. Optical Input Power: The receiver section is designed to handle input power levels up to 2dBm, which is the maximum input power before the receiver starts to degrade in performance.

3. Receiver Sensitivity: The receiver is sensitive enough to detect signals as low as  10.3dBm, ensuring that even weak signals can be accurately received and processed.

4. Distance: This transceiver is capable of supporting distances up to 20km, making it suitable for long haul data transmission.

5. Form Factor: The SFP28 form factor is compact and energy efficient, making it ideal for use in high density environments where space is at a premium.

6. Compatibility: It is designed to be compatible with a wide range of network equipment that supports the SFP28 standard, ensuring a seamless integration into existing infrastructure.

7. Temperature Range: The transceiver is designed to operate within a wide temperature range, ensuring reliable performance in various environmental conditions.

8. Safety and Compliance: The device meets industry safety standards and complies with relevant regulations, ensuring that it can be used in a variety of applications without compromising on safety.

In summary, the Huawei BiDi Transceiver, SFP28, offers a high performance solution for bi directional data transmission at 25Gb/s over a single fiber strand, with the ability to support long distances and operate in a variety of environmental conditions. Its compact form factor and compatibility with existing network equipment make it a versatile choice for upgrading network infrastructure.

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