

It seems that "CE6855 48T6Q HI" might be a part number for a specific electronic component, such as a capacitor or a resistor. However, without additional context or a datasheet, it's challenging to provide detailed specifications. Typically, specifications for electronic components would include information such as capacitance or resistance value, tolerance, temperature range, voltage rating, and physical dimensions.

Let's assume "CE6855 48T6Q HI" is a type of capacitor. Here's a hypothetical breakdown of its specifications:

Basic Information:

  Part Number: CE6855 48T6Q HI

  Type: Capacitor

  Series: Unknown (this would be specific to the manufacturer or product line)

  Package: Tantalum Capacitor (assuming from the part number format)

  Case Material: Tantalum (as indicated by the "T" in the part number)


  General Purpose: Suitable for a wide range of electronic applications due to its stability and performance.

  Automotive: Could be used in automotive electronics for power supply filtering.

  Industrial: May be used in industrial control systems for signal conditioning.

  Consumer Electronics: Could be found in consumer electronics for noise reduction and power supply filtering.


  Capacitance: 47μF (assuming from the "48" in the part number, which often indicates a value of 47 followed by the unit in the next position, which is μF here)

  Tolerance: ±20% (assuming from the "T" in the part number, which could indicate a tolerance level)

  Voltage Rating: 6.3V (assuming from the "6Q" in the part number, where "6" could indicate the voltage and "Q" could be a code for the voltage range)

  Temperature Range:  55°C to +125°C (assuming a standard range for tantalum capacitors)

  Mounting Type: Surface Mount (assuming from the "SMD" that might be implied by the part number format)

  Lead Material: Tin over Nickel over Copper (a common plating for electronic components)

Additional Notes:

  The part number "CE6855 48T6Q HI" suggests a specific configuration, but without the manufacturer's datasheet, these are only educated guesses.

  The "HI" at the end of the part number could indicate a higher performance variant or a specific manufacturing batch.

  It's important to verify these specifications with the actual datasheet from the manufacturer to ensure accuracy.

For actual applications, one would need to consult the manufacturer's datasheet for detailed specifications, including any specific guidelines for use, maximum ratings, and any special considerations for the component in question.


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