
Huawei CWDM-SFPGE-LH40-1531 Transeiver, eSFP, GE, CWDM Single-mode Module (1531nm, 40km, LC) Part Number/02312FWQ

The Huawei CWDM SFPGE LH40 1531 Transceiver is a compact, high performance eSFP module designed for use in high speed data communication systems. This transceiver uses CWDM (Coarse Wavelength Division Multiplexing) technology to enable the transmission of multiple signals over a single光纤 optic cable.

The module operates with a center wavelength of 1531nm and has a transmission distance of up to 40km, making it suitable for use in long distance communication links. It is designed to be used with single mode fiber, and connects to the fiber optic cable via an LC connector.

The transmitter section of the module has a typical output power of  5dBm, ensuring that the signal can travel the required distance without衰减 too much. The receiver section has a typical sensitivity of  28dBm, which means it can detect even weak incoming signals.

The module has a data rate of 1Gbps, which is suitable for most current and future applications. It operates over a temperature range of  40°C to +85°C, which means it can be used in a wide range of environments.

Overall, the Huawei CWDM SFPGE LH40 1531 Transceiver is a high quality, reliable transceiver module that is well suited for use in high speed data communication systems that require long distance transmission over single mode fiber.

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