
Mellanox Nvidia MCX623435MN-CDAB ConnectX-6 Dx EN Adapter Card OCP3.0 100GbE Multi Host single port Ethernet network cardAdapter card

Mellanox Nvidia MCX623435MN CDAB ConnectX 6 Dx EN Adapter Card Specifications

Basic Information:

  Model: MCX623435MN CDAB

  Brand: Mellanox Nvidia

  Product Name: ConnectX 6 Dx EN Adapter Card

  Form Factor: OCP3.0

  Ethernet Speed: 100GbE

  Port Type: Multi Host, Single Port

  Interface: Ethernet

  Card Type: Network Card

Transmitter Receiver Characteristics:

1. Transmitter Type: This card utilizes high performance optical transmitters designed for 100GbE applications.

2. Receiver Sensitivity: The receiver is highly sensitive, capable of detecting signals at very low levels, ensuring reliable data transmission.

3. Wavelength: Operates at a wavelength suitable for 100GbE optical communication, typically around 1310nm or 1550nm for long haul applications.

4. Modulation Scheme: Employs advanced modulation schemes such as PAM4 (4 level pulse amplitude modulation) to achieve high data rates over optical fibers.

5. Optical Interface: The card features an optical interface compatible with QSFP28 form factor transceivers, which are commonly used for 100GbE applications.

6. Power Budget: The transmitter provides a sufficient optical output power to meet the power budget requirements for various link lengths and fiber types.

7. Receiver Sensitivity: The card's receiver has a low sensitivity threshold, allowing it to operate effectively even with weak incoming signals.

8. Temperature Range: Designed to operate effectively over a wide temperature range, ensuring reliable performance in various environmental conditions.

9. EMI Compliance: The card meets stringent EMI (Electromagnetic Interference) standards to minimize interference with other electronic devices.

10. Signal Integrity: Advanced signal processing techniques are employed to maintain signal integrity over long distances and through various network conditions.

11. Error Correction: Incorporates error correction algorithms to ensure data integrity and reduce the likelihood of data corruption during transmission.

12. Link Distance: Supports link distances suitable for 100GbE applications, typically up to 10km with standard single mode fiber.

13. Eye Safety: The transmitter is designed to comply with eye safety standards, reducing the risk of injury from laser light exposure.

14. Multi Host Capability: The single port card is capable of supporting multiple host connections, enhancing network flexibility and scalability.

15. Software Support: Comes with comprehensive software support for easy integration and management within various network environments.

This Mellanox Nvidia ConnectX 6 Dx EN Adapter Card is designed to deliver high performance, reliable, and scalable network connectivity for data centers and high speed computing environments.

Mellanox Nvidia  MCX623435MN-CDAB  ConnectX-6 Dx EN  Adapter Card OCP3.0 100GbE  Multi Host single port  Ethernet network cardAdapter card

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