ZTE OLT C600 C620 C650 Description
ZXA10 C600 is a large-capacity optical access equipment based on the TITAN platform. It meets the full-scenario access needs of ultra-high bandwidth, big video, FMC and network re-architecture, and provides the integration of transmission and access, as well as carrier-class QoS and security
The ZXA10 C650 is a medium-capacity optical access equipment based on the TITAN platform. It meets the fullscenario access needs of ultra-high bandwidth, big video, FMC and network re-architecture, and provides the integration of transmission and access, as well as carrier-class QoS and security
ZXA10 C620 is a 2U high capacity optical access equipment based on TITAN platform. It meets the full-scenario access needs of ultra-high bandwidth, big video, FMC and network re-architecture, and provides the integration of transmission and access, as well as carrier-class QoS and security.
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